China & Darryl
This cool and sunny Autumn day was a very special day inparticular for me as these are two of my best friends and, without considering the logistics of it all, I also agreed to act as celebrant on this day and married Darryl & China at the last wedding of The Minstrells before it changed over ownership. So this was a lighter day for me in terms of coverage as I was told to relax more and be a guest too. But i still managed to capture some great aspects of their day.
A beautifully laid back day, stunning location and a really inviting group of wedding guests.
Plus i got to spend plenty of time with Darryl and China’s son, my Godson, Jacob and he is such a cutie! Okay, i’m biased.
Oh, and here’s a little photo of me acting as celebrant for the guys!
This was a huge honour of the day. Seeing my best friends married, seeing my godson and being able to perform the ceremony for them made me more nervous than i’m used to being but it was such a great experience. Just please, hire me for photography rather than as a celebrant because i’m much more comfortable behind the camera!